Yesterday, on the "Open Line" radio program . . .

January 8, 2010 by  
Filed under Patrick's Blog

We had two hours worth of calls on a good variety of issues, including a few on Medjugorje, Guadalupe, and Marian apparitions in general, the sinlessness of Mary, priestly celibacy, the tetragrammaton YHWH, the Novus Ordo Missae, Calvinists and baptismal regeneration, whether the devil spies on you when you’re praying, indulgences, and more. Click to listen to the show.

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8 Responses to “Yesterday, on the "Open Line" radio program . . .”
  1. Joan Heatherington says:

    In the book (I think) Letters from Medjugorje, Ivan D, said not to forget that Our Lady's birthday was August 5th.
    This is a Contradiction, as the Church teaches that Her birthday is September 8.
    So which do you believe?
    Well the Teachings of Holy Mother Church are Infallible, Whereas the "teachings" of Med, aren't even approved.
    Remember, we are called to blind Obedience, what we think or feel has nothing to do with this matter.
    A schism is pending.

  2. Diane M. Korzeniewski, OCDS says:

    Here is the link I could not get to earlier…it is the Petrus interview with Cardinal Saraive Martins…. translated in English.

  3. Diane M. Korzeniewski, OCDS says:


    You are sadly miguided, perhaps by profit seeking promoters, to have this erroneous perception. Please cite a valid source or exact wording of a relevant official which makes such a claim. Be careful not to treat the gossip – and that is what it truly is – that you find on promoter sources without name, date, protocol number or interview source.

    Also, it is important to read any quote within the context of the entire letter.

    With that, here is an interview that Petru did with Fatima expert, Cardinal s
    Saraive Martins on Medjugorje. Itcomes in the wake of Cardinal Schonborns undiplomatic toe-stepping routine in Medjugorje, which he discusses.

    He further contasts with Fatima and says there is no comparison. He touches on Bishop Peric's authority and on disobedience. His words on how the faithful should proceed with apparitions not approved is well worth reflection.

    This is a man who has had plenty of experience in the area of "discernment of spirits".

    Link coming in next post…

  4. Susan L says:

    That local bishop has no authority anymore on the visionaries. I'm sorry but why should I listen to him? The Vatican removed him from the equation.

    I will wait and see. Personally though, I'm leaning towards believing it.

  5. Tomnibus says:

    I was going to call in with a question this time. I was listening to the readings that morning (or one morning this week) and it was the reading where Jesus went to Nazareth, read the reading and then sat down and said "today this reading has been fulfilled in your midst" and instead of the story continuing where they wanted to throw him off the cliff, it read that they were amazed by his knowledge and wisdom. Quite different from what we normally hear! I just wondered why there was such a difference.

  6. Diane M. Korzeniewski, OCDS says:

    Here is a live link to the new diocesan document released by Medjugorje bishop, Ratko Peric on December 11, 2009: The Questionable Games Surrounding the 'great sign'"

    Here is a link to the Bishops statement on the Cardinal Schonborn visit at the diocesan website

    And, something else that was floating around in Italy but hasn't circulated much here, is a 2007 bulletin from the Bishops of Tusscany to their priests on Medjugorje. In it, the bishops explain that the subject of Medjugorje came up during their ad limina visit and they were asked by then Secretary, Mons. Angelo Amato to share with the priests of the diocese the 2006 Confirmatin homily of Bishop Peric so the faithful could be enlightened. I have a jpg of the actual bulletin in my blogpost. A link to the homily at the diocesan website is in my post.

    Since that 2006 homily, the bishop has been emboldened, releasing a steady stream of documents, especially in 2009, which are not at all favorable towards authenticity. This includes, especially, his statement of September 26 in which he explains a point of heresy out of the apparition, the shifting of the BVM's birthday by the movement in contradiction to the Church's calendar, and much more.

    I don't think Bishop Peric would be speaking this confidently unless he felt he had the backing of the CDF.

  7. Timothy says:

    Between the local Bishop and a Cardinal who is part of the CDF, I"ll side with the Cardinal. Anyone who reads the Bishop's statements will immediately notice he personally attacks the visionaries but he cannot attack the messages. It is not the kind of behavior one expects from those who we entrust for pastorial care of the Church. Those who rail against Medjugorje are very vocal but are in the minority. The fact is that Medjugorje has brought more souls and vocations to Christ than all the critics combined. I truly pray for those angry souls who rail against Medjugorje for they do not have peace in their hearts.

  8. Nick says:

    I gave up on Medjugorje a few days ago. I had realized something after checking out the local Bishop's website: Medjugorje isn't listening to the Church, so why would it listen to me? So instead of my website, I'll be praying. I think that's better in this situation, for me at least.

    By the way, you can check out the local Bishop's website here:

    Near the bottom are articles on private revelation, Church authority, etc. The Bishop is an excellent teacher of the Faith.

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