Patrick's Blog
Warning signs of a diabolical spirit and how to recognize them
(Updated) QUESTIONS ABOUT discernment of spirits come up from time to time on my daily radio show (M-F from 6-9 a.m. Pacific). This has prompted me to study more deeply the Church’s spiritual theology and what God has revealed to us through Scripture and Tradition. The more I’ve learned, the more I see how much I need to learn. As a service to my listeners and blog readers (that’s you!), I bring you... [Read more...]

“Do I Need an Annulment?” and other common questions about divorce and remarriage
(Updated) On my radio show, I’m sometimes asked by callers questions pertaining to their marital status. The twin issues of divorce and remarriage are extremely common today, and many people, including many Catholics, find themselves confused and unsure about what God and the Church require from them in this area. This uncertainty has various causes, such as failure to seek answers from the competent authorities... [Read more...]

The Rosary and the Devil’s Defeat
Along with countless others, I can attest to the tremendous power of the rosary in resolving seemingly insoluble problems, gaining clarity of thought, the conversion of sinners, overcoming vices, and conquering the machinations of the evil one. This powerful story illustrates the importance of staying close to our Lady by praying the rosary every day. — Patrick Madrid By Br. Ezra Sullivan, OP On... [Read more...]

Sons of Perdition: How Certain Catholic Priests Turned the Kennedys Pro-Abortion
Awhile back, The Wall Street Journal ran a fascinating and deeply saddening article exploring the reasons behind the Kennedy Family’s staunch pro-abortion position. Believe it or not, Ted Kennedy used to be pro-life. So how did he and all the other prominent Kennedys swing so far in the wrong direction? For that matter, what about some of the other Catholic pro-abortion zealots in (or recently in) high public... [Read more...]

California Mission Pilgrimage
You’re invited! Join me on a grace-filled Catholic pilgrimage to the historic California Missions, this October 2-9. We’ll journey in the footsteps of Saint Junipero Serra. Most Rev. James Wall, Bishop of Gallup, NM, will be our chaplain for this trip, and I’ll be giving special presentations on the life of Saint Junipero, the history of the California Missions, and the miraculous apparition of Our... [Read more...]

Garage Bands
Fictitious Garage Band Names from the “Patrick Madrid Show” The Kentucky Clerks 5 Dudes and a Chicken Trump Tats Mysterious Dentists Cerebral Organoids Motherboard The Gender Binary Artificial Vomiting Machine Baby Hurricanes People Zoo Full Blown Trolls Paramedic Brides Young Thieves The Squatters Battle of the Buns Sausage Biscuit Rage Incident The Meat Bees The Swedish Toddlers Tony Caterpillar Captive... [Read more...]

If you’re married & you’re on Facebook, you should read this
(Originally posted in 2011) A claim made in this article doesn’t surprise me a bit: “A survey by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers found that Facebook is cited as evidence in 66 percent of divorces in the United States. Also, more than 80 percent of divorce lawyers reported they “have seen an increase in the number of cases using social networking evidence” during the past few years.” In... [Read more...]

Important qualities to look for in a spiritual director
Over the last 25 years or so, I’ve noticed with bemusement an unfortunate trend in the United States in which an increasing number of lay people arrogate to themselves the title of “spiritual director.” I regard this as unfortunate because, except in certain rare exceptions, lay people are simply not qualified or competent to serve as spiritual directors. Even lay people who have some formal training... [Read more...]

Powerful and Majestic Easter Music
Here are the musical pieces by Karl Jenkins that I’ve been playing on my Morning Show today. Something truly great to enjoy as you proceed through the sacred Triduum on the way to Resurrection Sunday. Agnus Dei Sanctus Requiem Introit Pie Jesu Read More →

Wise Advice from St. Francis de Sales for When People Question Your Motives
“As soon as worldly people see that you wish to follow a devout life they aim a thousand darts of mockery and even detraction at you. The most malicious of them will slander your conversion as hypocrisy, bigotry, and trickery. . . . “Philothea, all this is mere foolish, empty babbling. These people aren’t interested in your health or welfare. ‘If you were of the world, the world would love what... [Read more...]