Neuroscientist Explores How Porn Hijacks Male Brain

February 3, 2010 by  
Filed under Patrick's Blog

This is your brain:

This is your brain on porn:

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4 Responses to “Neuroscientist Explores How Porn Hijacks Male Brain”
  1. dawid says:

    AN interesting perspective.
    What scares me about porn is that it may have been made by people who have been coerced or drigged into doing this.
    It could have been one's own unwilling and distressed child in the porn!

  2. CathApol says:

    I have to wonder if J-T didn't click on the image which is linked to a "more serious article" which actually cites and quotes from the same source the article she linked to does?

    Is anyone who "was" addicted to porn ever NOT addicted to it still? Like an alcoholic is never NOT an alcoholic – they may have "gone sober" – but the "disease" remains with them and remains a constant struggle/temptation for them and they KNOW (hopefully) how serious the "disease" is if they ever gave in to the temptation again.

    Interesting articles, both of them. I thank you both – and Rick too!

    In JMJ,
    CathApol Blog

  3. Rick says:

    St. John Bosco placed purity as the most important virtue for his boys and religious congregation. Although, that is inaccurate from moral theology, because charity is the most important, there seems to be some truth about the power of purity to guide everything else.

  4. Jean-Therese Delacroix says:

    I wouldn't be very surprised about that — no questions here! 😀

    But I have to make two notes: first, as a former porn addict, I'd have to say that this can affect both genders and not just males (although probably more uncommon, it's still possible).

    Second, I found a more serious article on that could help explain more on why porn is so bad for your brain:

    Hope it helps future generations to stay away from this stuff!

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