Gerald Celente Really Scares Me

February 18, 2009 by  
Filed under Patrick's Blog

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17 Responses to “Gerald Celente Really Scares Me”
  1. Anonymous says:

    Gerald Celente bills himself as a political atheist, I wonder what his religious thinking is.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I've found celente somewhat interesting, but I wonder what his religious belief is. Does anyone know?

  3. poorsingledad says:




    THE RICH AND MIDDLE CLASS have ignored
    the poor for far to dam long


  4. Dean Baldwin says:

    Mike…thanks for your common sense comment…I will speak with my husband about it…it was he who brought it up…thanks!

  5. Mike says:

    Dean, I would encourage you to arm yourself. God helps those who helps themselves. No Christian teaching ever claimed you should leave yourself defenseless, ie – prey.

    Besides, shooting (at targets or cans) is fun and challenging!

    I would suggest a .22 revolver to see if you like it. They are a breeze to shoot, and no one wants to see a gun pointed at them, not even the baddest bad guy.

  6. Dean Baldwin says:

    As a 65 year-old “grammy”, I worry more about my family than I do myself (and my husband). I pray for perserverance…I really do. I have a month’s worth of food in my “grammy’s pantry”…my husband wanted to buy a gun and teach me how to use it..but, if people try to get into our home…it will be more than one person…and where does it stop. I continue to go to daily Mass, the Rosary and pray for Perserverance….it is frightening…we are in for a lot of unrest….

  7. Ken says:

    This is the first I have seen of Gerald Celente.
    I watched these videos right after Patrick’s Thursday EWTN radio show after he mentioned them.

    I had heard this about 6 months ago or so, that the commercial market was set to really collapse, much worse that the housing market. That was hard to believe then (6 months ago), but in todays economy, I am not surprised.

    You should also checkout the latest book by the Catholic Thomas E. Woods, Jr. titled “Meltdown”.
    He and the web site are of the Austrian school of economics, right with Peter Schiff.

    The book is a real easy read on why the Obama Stimulus package won’t work. A good read on the “real” Great Depression and its causes. The book explains where Money comes from, why the Federal Reserve is so bad, etc. All should read this book!

    We should all do more research on Gerald Celente.

    What are the “real” fixes to this failing World Economy?

    The real fix is to have everyone live and love as Jesus did! Wouldn’t that be a wonder CHRIST centered world?

    We all should pray to GOD!

    Ken S.

  8. Patrick Madrid says:

    I agree, Shadow. I posted on that awhile back on this blog. Check it out:

  9. the 5 o'clock shadow man says:

    Peter Schiff is another person one should view on Youtube. He believes in the Austrian school of economics and is in line with Celente and others.

  10. Patrick Madrid says:

    Thanks, Paul, I appreciate the kind word. But seriously, relax about the “scare” thing. It was just a figure of speech. I’m with you 100% about trusting in God.

    Patrick, thanks for the Spengler links. I wouldn’t say he’s “far more” insightful than Celente, but he certainly is insightful. No doubt about that. We’ll likely have to wait another 6 months to a year before we see for sure which way this is going to break. But right now, after reading and listening to the Celente model and the Spengler model, I’m leaning a lot more toward expecting to see what Celente predicts. Spengler’s right, though, that the weakening of the US necessarily weakens the other countries he mentions, and their flaws become clearer. We’ll see.

  11. Patrick says:

    Spengler is far more insightful.

    It’s all about the demographics.

    His other works are worth reading as well:

  12. Paul says:

    I haven’t listened but I will. Love your site and Odiogo. But your headline concerned me. Nothing — I repeat nothing — should “really scare” you. Christ says “fear not”, “be anxious or worry about nothing”. If the world’s financial system collapses into chaos, it will only be because in God’s Providence, it was for our good. We should be thanking God for everything that is happening. God can’t allow anything to happen unless it’s for our ultimate good. God’s “passive” Will at work. I highly recommend 2 books that can change your life as it did mine: “He Leadeth Me” by Fr. Walter Ciszek and “Abandonment to Divine Providence” by Fr. Jean-Pierre de Caussade.

    Well, I didn’t mean this advice in a spirit of lecturing but only in a spirit of encouraging you to completely abandon yourself to Divine Providence.

    God bless and keep up the good work.



  13. Dymphna (4HisChurch) says:

    I think the less materially oriented Christmas is a good thing. As he said, the over emphasis on “things” at Christmas is only about 100 years old.

    I agree with him about food riots and marches. I think its coming.

  14. Padre Steve says:

    We really need to pray, pray, pray for our nation, and the world!

  15. Patrick Madrid says:

    No, it’s not him personally. He seems like a good guy and a straight shooter. It’s what he’s predicting that’s scary, combined with how he has been eerily correct in his earlier predictions. Check this out:

  16. Lisa says:

    Why does he scare you? Is it *him* or his message? Do you believe him? What’s your take?

  17. Micaela says:

    woah….this is freaky

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