Protestant Group Predicts the Rise of "New Charlemagne" in Germany

September 7, 2009 by  
Filed under Patrick's Blog

End-times mania and wild-eyed apocalyptic predictions have long been a staple in certain sectors of the Protestant world. In addition to the more mainstream Protestant prognosticators who have made a very comfortable living off their end-times related books and broadcasts (e.g., Hal Lindsey, Jack Van Impe, and Tim LaHaye, to name but three of the more prominent ones), groups which derive from Protestantism, such as Seventh-day Adventists and Jehovah’s Witnesses, also spend an inordinate amount of time and energy trying to map out the contours of the rise of the Man of Sin and the dire happenings which shall ensue, as described in the Bible, especially in the Book of Revelation.

Lots of contradictory and conflicting predictions result, but the one thing that all of these groups have in common is a fixation on the Catholic Church as being the fulcrum of end-times activity. This new article by a leader in the Philadelphia Church of God continues in that vein:

Is Germany’s Charlemagne About to Appear?

As I write this article, Germany is just weeks from electing a new chancellor. That election and events to unfold from it are going to bring devastating consequences to this world. A dangerous political structure has been built in the European Union, and it’s about to get a lot worse. History thunders its strongest warning ever! It’s time that people understood that history.

But there is a lot more than history involved in understanding European politics.

What is happening in the European superstate is a mystery to most of the world. But that mystery is beginning to be removed.

Bernard Connolly wrote a bombshell book in 1995 titled The Rotten Heart of Europe. For years he served at the heart of the Exchange Rate Mechanism for the European Union. He headed the commission unit responsible for monitoring and servicing the system. He labels the European superstate as rotten. Since he had a vital job on the inside, his comments deserve our attention.

The Spirit of Charlemagne

“It is the battle for control of the European superstate,” Mr. Connolly wrote, “in which French technocrats confront German federalists, both sides claiming to fight under thebanner of Charlemagne. The ‘collateral damage’ from this battle lies mainly in the future, but it could be ghastly” (emphasis mine throughout).

“It could be ghastly.” That is an understatement!

Who will get control of this great superstate? And just how ghastly is it going to be? The battle can be narrowed down to two nations—France and Germany. Do knowledgeable people really doubt who has already won this battle? The nation that controls the money will reign supreme. Of course, that has already proven to be Germany.

“Across the Rhine, successive German governments have, in their pursuit of a ‘European’ cloak for German ambitions, been prepared to accept an apparent cession of national monetary authority—as long as the new European monetary authority looks, sounds, smells and acts exactly as the German monetary authority now does” (ibid.).

The EU system has already been called a Trojan horse. Mr. Connolly says it is a “cloak for German ambitions.”

Just what are those ambitions? And why should every person on Earth be deeply concerned?

Otto von Habsburg was one of the key figures in creating the European Union. He had this to say about that union: “The [European] Community is living largely by the heritage of the Holy Roman Empire, though the great majority of the people who live by it don’t know by what heritage they live.”

Twenty-seven countries are members of the EU today. Most of them don’t know that they are “living largely by the heritage of the Holy Roman Empire.” It is a mystery to them.

According to Bible prophecy, the number of member nations or groups of nations will be reduced to 10 rulers. There are simply too many nations in the EU now for the Union to be ruled in the spirit of Charlemagne. Only after it has been severely reduced in member countries can the Holy Roman Empire function as it has in its extremely bloody past.

Mr. Habsburg also said, “We possess a European symbol which belongs to all nations of Europe equally; this is the crown of the Holy Roman Empire, which embodies the tradition of Charlemagne.”

Just what is “the tradition of Charlemagne”? It is far from what most people think it is—even Europeans!

Charles the Great

The Franks were the
first barbaric tribe to embrace Catholicism, but it was for political gain, not religious reasons. Mostly of Germanic origin, the Franks used the Catholic Church to support their expansionist policies, while the church relied on Frankish rulers for protection. It was a union based on politics alone.

The Frankish kingdom reached the pinnacle of its power during the rule of Charlemagne (Charles the Great). Before Charlemagne’s emergence as world ruler, the political scene in Europe was greatly divided. Germany was sliced into many different tribes. Much of Italy was occupied by the Lombards. Byzantium was recognized as the successor to the eastern region of the old Roman Empire. Charlemagne, in conjunction with the papal throne, eventually changed all that—but not without much bloodshed.

Historians call his rule the First Reich—even though Charlemagne was the second ruler of the Holy Roman Empire. Adolf Hitler’s rule became known as the Third Reich.

Charlemagne felt it his duty to defend the church. In 774, at the request of Pope Leoiii, he entered northern Italy and conquered the Lombard kingdom, uniting Italy for the first time in centuries. In 799, he again came to the aid of the pope, who was assaulted, brutally beaten, and thrown into prison by a band of conspirators. With the military backing of Charles and his Frankish troops, the pope was exonerated of all wrongdoing and reinstated to his ecclesiastic office.

The following year, in Rome, while Charlemagne was kneeling in prayer during a Christmas celebration inside old St. Peter’s Church, the pope placed a crown upon his head, pronouncing him “the 73rd emperor of the fourth world empire.”

At this point, we should note that throughout the Middle Ages, many scholars, theologians, even popes, knew the Roman Empire was the fourth world-ruling kingdom.Many of them even identified this fourth kingdom with the one Daniel spoke of in his prophecy (see Daniel 2:37-43). That’s why Europeans and Catholics kept trying to revive the empire! The Bible said there would only be four such empires. However, the fourth empire would have 10 resurrections, according to Bible prophecy. The last seven of those resurrections would be called Holy Roman Empires, because they were ruled by church and state.

As king of the Franks, Charlemagne was able to subjugate every single German tribe but one: the Saxons. The Saxons clung to their own faith and refused, even on pain of death, to submit to Roman Catholicism. Charlemagne determined to force his brand of Christianity on them with the sword. For years the Saxons obstinately resisted. At one point, out of sheer frustration, Charlemagne executed 4,500 Saxon prisoners. This barbarous act angered the Saxons even more.

It took 30 years for Charles to completely extinguish the “Saxon” problem, but not before multiple thousands had been executed for their religious beliefs. After more than 18 conquests against the Saxons, Charles finally prevailed. In t
he end, Saxons either subjected themselves to the rule of Charles, or their defiance ended in death

The Holy Roman Empire has never been democratic. It could never be. Even Pope Pius xiisaid the church had twin enemies: the democracies and communism. He was pope at the peak of Communist power.

As emperor of the “Holy” Roman Empire, Charles felt it his duty to spread the Christian faith using whatever means necessary. The New Encyclopedia Britannica says, “The violent methods by which this missionary task was carried out had been unknown to the earlier Middle Ages, and the sanguinary [bloody] punishment meted out to those who broke canon law or continued to engage in pagan practices called forth criticism in Charles’ own circle” (“Charlemagne, Emperor”).

The violence Charlemagne used to enforce the Catholic religion on his subjects was simply unknown in earlier empires! He forced his brand of Christianity on everyone. His empire may have had distinct ties to the ancient Romans, but it was certainly not “holy”—even if there was a great church guiding it.

And yet, for centuries to come, the aim of succeeding emperors was to restore the traditions of Charlemagne in their quest to revive the Roman Empire!

Even today, Germany and a great church are working to restore the tradition of Charlemagne. They have almost completed the structure. Still, it is a mystery to most of the world’s inhabitants.

Let the world beware! That power structure is ready to burst on the world scene—again!

Charlemagne’s bloody conquests were the worst ever in the history of the previous empires. The conquests of the next Holy Roman Empire are going to be the worst suffering ever inflicted on human beings in the history of man! (Matthew 24:21-22; Daniel 12:1; Jeremiah 30:1-10).

It will all be done in the spirit of Charlemagne. Most people won’t awaken out of their stupor until it’s too late! . . . (continue reading)

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6 Responses to “Protestant Group Predicts the Rise of "New Charlemagne" in Germany”
  1. sklnsaknlsaknlsaknlsa says:

    This is a bit ironic, because Catholics may indeed see the rise of the 'Great Monarch' (foretold by countless canonized private prophets) within their lifetimes. Stuff will have to really hit the fan before the Great Monarch is appointed, though.

  2. db says:

    That was incredible. thanks for that trip. how much do i owe you? Whew. Is my hair messed up from that head-whipping ride down that slippery slope? Nice layout on thier website, though.

  3. says:

    Wow! This was a tough read to say the least. All of this writing and only three scriptural references to go with it. Talk about inserting your undivine belief into sacred scripture!

    First of all, what in the world does another World War have to do with the return of our Father? Second of all if Gerald Flurry would take the scripture as a whole and not just two verses that might agree with him; consequently, he would realize how profoundly ignorant he sounds. For example, he is saying that this deadly world war will usher in the messiah; however, Matthew 24:23 says "If anyone says to you then, Look, here is the Messiah! or There he is!, do not believe it. Would Gerald Flurry be sitting saying there he is? So my response to Gerald and this entire article is "I dont believe you!" Thirdly, Matthew 24:36-44 clearly states that no one knows, neither the angels of heaven, nor the son, but the Father alone. As a former protestant myself, I have learned to tune out all of the Apocalyptic garbage that pollutes Christianity. I have 30 years of witnessing and experiencing the fear tactics associated with the apocalyptic peddling and the return of our Father.

    All of those individuals such has Hal Lindsey, Irvin Baxter, and Tim LaHaye have made profits from predicting the return of christ. Franchising Jesus is not going to give you some powerful insight as to when our Father will return. The problem is this individuals have become so caught up with the apocalypse; consequently, they have lost sight of the Fullness of Trugh, Sacred Scripture, and Apostolic Succession.

    I will continue to pray for the blessing of the Fullness of Truth to be shown to everyone as it was shown to me. I will continue to pray that more and more souls will continue to search for the Fullness of Truth as I searched. I will continue to pray that God pours out his blessing's on those who have strayed off the narrow path. I will continue to ask for the intercessions of Our Lady when praying for those souls.

    In the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    God Bless,

    Mike Perry

  4. Salome Bintullah says:

    This must be some new record. He manages to connect the EU, Charlemagne, the Holy Roman Empire, the Third Reich, modern Germany, and the Catholic Church in some giant end-times world conspiracy, and I didn't even follow ther link to read the rest. Still, not quite as bizarre as Jack Chick's claim that the Catholic Church invented Islam, Mormonism, Freemasonry, and any number of groups to which the Catholic Church is opposed.

  5. Chad Myers says:

    Do not discount prophecies that include the antichrist or at least some great evil arising from the midst of the Catholic Church. It doesn't seem beyond the bounds of reason to think that The Enemy might use humanity's greatest hope in this world to usher forth its greatest calamity.

    If it does happen this way, God — who has a great sense of irony — will, as He promised, deliver the world through the same Church.

    It's not inconceivable to think that the great evil may come from the a future anti-Pope of some kind (don't scoff, there have been several in the past). This will lead to the dismay of many Christians (both Catholic and non-Catholic alike) and will cause much persecution among those who remain faithful to the true Church (which would be cloaked beneath the cloud of evil on top of it).

    From that great evil, a good Pope would emerge to lead his flock back to holiness and, eventually, to the ultimate triumph of the Church and the coming of the Kingdom of God.

  6. ingeloots says:

    Um… I live in Europe. Should I start to be afraid now? I'm a German too and I get a bit tired about the projections of militarist and nationalist people who don't have to seem the slightest clue about German culture.

    Maybe I just should utter a deep sigh and move on, watching the European flag, coloured in Marian blue with her crown of twelve stars printed on it. 😉 I should probably ask her to help those Protestant sects to get a better view of her Son.

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