July 22, 2010 by Patrick Madrid Filed under Patrick's Blog
For your captioning pleasure . . .
I hereby declare him: T. Wellington Pickens.
I don't see why the Catholic Church is so against these things.
These boots were made for…bacon.
"Dare you laugh at Count Porkula's boots?! Dare you?!"
…and this little piggy went to Tony Lama's…
"no honey, breakfast was great except the bacon was dry"….just kidding again!
But Mom why do I have to wear these stupid boots, its not raining that hard.
"No, Sam I am! I do not like red boots and ham!"
"wha…!!???…I got em on sale…don't have a cow,man…."
I've heard of lipstick on a pig, but this goes too far.
He's cute! I still won't give him any pearls though 😛
"Oops, I forgot my raincoat. How embarrassing!"
Well 'e's a pig in wellies i'n' he.
"sure, I'll give you a million dollars…when pigs wear boots…"
Ahhh…breakfast on a rainy day….just kidding!
I've heard of "Puss in boots'. looks kinda like a cat from here , Are you sure that's not a …
Oh Mom, I know that you love me, but really?!
I told you…I don't do mud!
I am singing in the rain just singing in the rain
"First day of school and my Mom makes me wear these red rain boots!"
"Do these boots make me look fat?"
Rubber baby piggy booties?
Pork in boots?
I'm guessing that's Piggy #1: the one who went to market.
Is it "Wear Fabulous Red Boots to Go Shopping Day" already?
“You got a problem with these?”
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I hereby declare him: T. Wellington Pickens.
I don't see why the Catholic Church is so against these things.
These boots were made for…bacon.
"Dare you laugh at Count Porkula's boots?! Dare you?!"
…and this little piggy went to Tony Lama's…
"no honey, breakfast was great except the bacon was dry"….just kidding again!
But Mom why do I have to wear these stupid boots, its not raining that hard.
"No, Sam I am! I do not like red boots and ham!"
"wha…!!???…I got em on sale…don't have a cow,man…."
I've heard of lipstick on a pig, but this goes too far.
He's cute! I still won't give him any pearls though 😛
"Oops, I forgot my raincoat. How embarrassing!"
Well 'e's a pig in wellies i'n' he.
"sure, I'll give you a million dollars…when pigs wear boots…"
Ahhh…breakfast on a rainy day….just kidding!
I've heard of "Puss in boots'. looks kinda like a cat from here , Are you sure that's not a …
Oh Mom, I know that you love me, but really?!
I told you…I don't do mud!
I am singing in the rain just singing in the rain
"First day of school and my Mom makes me wear these red rain boots!"
"Do these boots make me look fat?"
Rubber baby piggy booties?
Pork in boots?
I'm guessing that's Piggy #1: the one who went to market.
Is it "Wear Fabulous Red Boots to Go Shopping Day" already?
“You got a problem with these?”