Massive 8.8 Quake Strikes Chile

February 27, 2010 by  
Filed under Patrick's Blog

Everyone’s waking up to this grim news:

SANTIAGO (Reuters) – A massive magnitude-8.8 earthquake struck south-central Chile early on Saturday, killing at least 85 people, knocking down buildings, homes and hospitals, and triggering a tsunami.

Yahoo has a large number of pictures of the devastation. It appears that the death toll will be quite high.

Eerily, like a broken watch with its hands frozen at the moment of its demise, some of the Chilean press is (thus far, at least) frozen in its news cycle just before the earthquake struck. Many Chilean press outlets are functional and reporting first-hand news of the quake in Spanish, such as here, here, here, and here.

First, the devastating quake in Haiti 45 days ago, and now this one in Chile. My guess is that more of these disasters will strike more frequently. I hope not, but that’s a hunch. Sooner or later, one of these BIG quakes will strike within the U.S. — Los Angeles? St. Louis? Chicago? San Francisco? New York? It’s just a matter of time, the scientists have been telling us.

Two things we should do:

1) Always be ready to meet the Lord by staying close to him in prayer and the sacraments, especially frequent confession. This is a no-brainer, but it’s amazing how many people, including Catholics, never give the four last things any thought: Death, Judgment, Heaven, and Hell.

And 2) If you haven’t already, start making practical preparations in your own home so that, if find yourself in a quake-stricken area, you and your family can fare better and be in a position to help those around you. Lay in a supply (even if just a small one) of extra water, foods that will keep without refrigeration, medicines like Ibuprophin, a hand-crank radio (no batteries needed), etc. Make a plan with your family, especially your kids, so that they will know where to meet up. You know, those kinds of basic preparations.
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4 Responses to “Massive 8.8 Quake Strikes Chile”
  1. Rachel B says:

    I'm not "afraid" of things like this per se… but I did go to confession because of this post. For the first time in two years. I "am" afraid of Confession! That was my first time to go since my first confession in RCIA. I don't think it will be as hard next time, actually. So… thanks.

  2. Jackie says:

    Thanks for tips .

  3. Emmy Cecilia says:

    I was just talking to my older brother about this… how we're overdue for a "big one" in Los Angeles. It makes me nervous but I also go to confession quite often and I try to live as well as I can so whatever happens, I'm ready.

  4. Kevin Keeler says:

    Well said Patrick. Let the twin lights of faith and reason lead us.

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