Google is for Dhimmies

January 6, 2010 by  
Filed under Patrick's Blog

Robert Spencer from Jihad Watch shows how Google automatically offers viciously derrogatory search suggestions on phrases such as “Christianity is” (I also found it does the same for searches on “Catholicism is,” “Pope Benedict is,” and “the pope is”), but it does not do the same when someone searches “Islam is.” In fact, as Robert points out, type in “Islam is” and Google suggests . . . nothing at all.

Draw your own conclusions.
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22 Responses to “Google is for Dhimmies”
  1. Rachel B says:

    I totally got your point immediately, and of course had to try it myself. Wow. My only real thought is that they are trying to prevent lawsuits. But wow.

  2. curiousknowhow says:

    God bless! In Singapore, our Nation's Constitution enshrines many "wonderful" financial benefits for the Muslims and particularly for the Malays who are predominantly Muslims. This is bcos of very small Singapore Island(we were called the little red dot by a late Indonesian President) and we are surrounded by Muslim nations: Indonesia, East and West Malaysia, Brunei.

    In Singapore, we are fortunate that we can evangelise Malay Muslims provided we have their permissions to share our faith with them. There is a strict law against religious extremism, etc. Recently, a Christian couple promoting Chicks Publications' booklets against Islam and the Catholic Church was jailed for some years.

  3. Ismael says:

    Google is not exactly on the side of the truth or even free speech… see for reference 'Chinese Google' 😛

  4. teapot562 says:

    If they persecuted Jesus, they will persecute his followers. If they honored the false prophets, they will honor others who flatter them instead of telling truth. Why are we surprised?

  5. teapot562 says:

    If they have treated Jesus badly, they will treat his followers badly as well. If they honored the false prophets, what else did you expect?

  6. okkttsk says:

    Having read all the comments, I have to agree with all being said. The only thing I feel after did the search–although off-topic–is that there are so many attacks on various groups. It seems the most is probably catholicism–so many negative websites out there. Sad.

  7. Linus says:

    Of course Google founders and staff belong to the liberal elite ( that group of educated idiots who are constantly praised by the liberal media). But are they engaged in a plot? Pretty hard to believe. Google anything related to George Bush and you will get the same treatment. I think the most likely answer is that the flaming liberals are so full of hate they can't contain themselves. I will guarantee you that if they ever get fully entrenched in the seat of government it will go hard for any Christian or conservative. There is nothing so vile as the vileness of the left.

  8. M A Pichowsky says:

    Another interesting observation is that Google also suppresses suggestions for "Muslims are", as well as "Christians are" and "Jews are". Clearly, this is, as Howard suggests, an attempt to stop users from Google-bombing their search engine and load it with hate speech.

    However, as Patrick reminds us, the point is not that they suppress non-PC search suggestions, but rather that they specifically suppress those directed against Islam over those directed against other religions; this is indicative of their dhimmitude.

  9. Howard says:

    This is a variation on Google-bombing. They don't like this kind of manipulation, but it's really impossible to stop in all its variations. They may have pulled the plug on "Islam is", but insulting completions still exist for "Mohammed is" and even for "Allah is".

  10. Patrick Madrid says:

    Just to be clear, the point I was making in this post is not that the suggestions are user-generated (they obviously are), but that Google has that feature disabled for "Islam is." That's the point.

  11. milhon1 says:

    "mohammed is…" will give you some winners

  12. Ismael says:

    I guess many internet users and pages are focused on bashing Christianity.

    They all offer the same (mostly very ignorant) reasons and 'copy-paste' from each other.
    "Atheism is" gets also mostly negative responses…. LOL

    It's the trendo of today's people spirituality: Religion Lite: it's ok to believe, as long as it is not organized and it is politically correct 😛

  13. Severinus Boethius says:

    Well, not to spoil the amazing implications that Google is the Anti-Christ Muslim power machine, but fichtnerbass is correct.

    The results seen at the bottom are not Google's suggestions, they are what people have typed into the search bar most frequently.

    This can be illustrated with "why wont my parakeet…".

    The simple truth is that people intentionally set up bots (automated computers programs) to continually search topics that they want to appear in the results.

  14. Raulito says:

    Bing appears to treat Islam less kindly…

  15. Joseph says:

    Oops – as fichtnerbass has said the suggestions come from other peoples' searches, not the content of web pages.

  16. Aggie says:

    I have a friend who works at google. I'll check with her about this, Patrick. Very weird.

  17. Ron says:

    Interesting. I searched "Barack Obama is" and "Atheism is" with the same negative results. There is definitely something fishy with the complete lack of search suggestions for Islam.

  18. fichtnerbass says:

    I thought the suggestions offered by Google were an artifact of what other people have searched for using the terms typed in – not suggestions from Goggle itself. So is the "islam is…" lack of results a function of something google is doing or are there no searches like that being done?

  19. Darren says:

    Take a look at "jihad is."

  20. Joseph says:

    To be honest, I can see why those suggestions might come up for 'Christianity is' or 'Catholicism is' – the words which follow are simply (sadly) the most common terms to follow '[whatever] is' in all the web pages Google has indexed. That's how it works, and that is why the suggestions are *usually* useful.

    What is actually interesting is that Google disables this for 'Islam is'.

  21. Aristotle says:

    "Buddhism is", "Judaism is", and "Atheism is" get the auto-complete treatment as well.

    Here are some interesting "Google Is" suggestions:

    google is watching you
    google is your friend
    google is making us stupid
    google is the devil

    (I used my Google Account to sign in, by the way.)

  22. son of Adam says:

    It does the same with other religions, just not Islam. HHHMM, who runs Google, and where are their charitable donations going to? Inquiring minds want to know.

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