Pat's Top 10 Least Popular Medieval Penances

February 17, 2010 by  
Filed under Patrick's Blog

Just in time for Lent! Take your pick:

Patrick Madrid’s Top 10 Least Popular Medieval Penances —

10. Standing barefoot in the snow for hours

9. Skunk hair shirts

8. Scrubbing castle walls with toothbrush

7. Memorizing the Summa Theologiae

6. Chewing tinfoil

5. Delivering papal condemnations to Martin Luther

4. Hand copying the entire Bible

3. Wasp licking

2. Anything involving anthills

1. The “thorn paddle”

Lenten Jackpot! Look at all these free books

February 16, 2010 by  
Filed under Patrick's Blog

Catholic blogger Teófilo de Jesús has posted a mother lode of classic spirituality books — all free as PDF docs — by some of the Church’s top practitioners. The list of books is simply too long to post here, so let’s just say that for those of you who like to read classic works on Catholic spirituality, you’ve just hit the jackpot.

Renegade Phoenix Priest Laicized

February 16, 2010 by  
Filed under Patrick's Blog

The Diocese of Phoenix announced today that the long-running saga of a former priest who, after being dismissed from ministry some years ago, and who has been running a charismatic para-church operation drawing hundreds to Sunday services, has been reduced to the lay state.

Below, is the official diocesan statement which should be read in conjunction with the diocesan paper’s coverage of the story and a helpful Q&A statement which explains the specifics of what has happened here, theologically, canonically, and practically.

Needless to say, this man and the many who follow him need our prayers.

The Diocese of Phoenix announces that the former Monsignor Dale J. Fushek has been returned to the lay state by the Roman Catholic Church through a process that is commonly referred to as “laicization.”

In January of 2010, Most Reverend Thomas J. Olmsted, Bishop of Phoenix, received a “Decree of Dismissal” from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (“CDF”) in Rome, in which the Bishop was notified that the penalty of dismissal from the clerical state has been imposed on the former Monsignor Dale J. Fushek. The CDF, which addresses offenses against the Sixth Commandment that are committed by priests and deacons with minors, issued its decision ex officio. This means that the penalty was imposed by order of Pope Benedict XVI and further, that the decision is not open to appeal. By the same Decree, Mr. Fushek has also been dispensed from the obligations of the clerical state.

Under the Church’s legal system, a cleric can be dismissed from the clerical state for serious violations of canon law, by committing certain delicts or ecclesiastical crimes. In Fushek’s case, the Diocese of Phoenix received several accusations regarding Fushek’s alleged sexual abuse of minors, and referred those accusations to the Holy See. The Holy See then directed the Diocese of Phoenix to conduct an investigation into the allegations. The results of that investigation were forwarded to the CDF. Based on the CDF’s review of the findings of that investigation and on Fushek’s abandonment of his ministry and his subsequent schismatic acts, the CDF issued the “Decree of Dismissal” and forwarded it to the Diocese of Phoenix. Fushek has been notified of the laicization, which took effect the moment the Decree was signed, and he has been informed of its consequences.

It should be noted that the Decree was issued in connection with an ecclesiastical administrative proceeding that was conducted by the Holy See pursuant to Church law. It has no bearing on any criminal or civil case that may involve or affect Mr. Fushek. The intent of the Decree is to prohibit Fushek from continuing to function as a cleric or priest in the Roman Catholic Church and it eliminates any rights, obligations or benefits that might have previously followed his status as a cleric.

The penalty of excommunication from the Roman Catholic Church that was previously imposed on Mr. Fushek remains in place. Thus, Mr. Fushek is not permitted to participate in the celebration of the sacrifice of the Holy Eucharist or in any other sacramental or liturgical ceremonies of Catholic worship. Now, having been laicized, Fushek no longer has the rights of a cleric, which includes referring to himself as “Father,” “Reverend,” or “Monsignor.” Nor should he be addressed as such.

Bishop Olmsted again expresses his grave concern for Catholics who may be misled or confused by the continuing actions of Dale Fushek, particularly as they relate to the Praise and Worship Center. Catholics are reminded that any ceremonies, such as baptisms, weddings, confessions, and the anointing of the sick, if performed by Mr. Fushek or others at the Praise and Worship Center, are not legitimate sacraments for Catholics and would not be
recognized by the Catholic Church. Bishop Olmsted asks that we continue to pray for reconciliation and healing in this difficult situation. . . .
(continue reading)

Don't let another Lent pass your family by

February 15, 2010 by  
Filed under Patrick's Blog

Take Me Driving With You This Lent

February 15, 2010 by  
Filed under Patrick's Blog

This lecture series is available as a 9-CD set.

The individual talks in this set are:
Search & Rescue: How to Bring Your Family and Friends Into (or Back Into) the Catholic Church

Why Be Catholic When You Can Be Anything Else?

The Bible and the Catholic Church: A Marriage Made in Heaven

Is Everything Up for Grabs? A Catholic Critique of Moral Relativism

Answers to Lies Society Tells You

The Case for Christ: Examining the Evidence for the Existence, Resurrection, & Divinity of Jesus

Pope Fiction: Answers to Myths and Misconceptions About the Papacy

Where Is That in the Bible?

The Ticking Time Bomb – How Global Aging Will Affect You

Lent is a good time to turn off those lame “Morning Zoo” radio shows on your way to work in the morning. Listen to these talks instead, and you’ll start bulking up on your knowledge of Scripture and the Faith. Check out my MP3 downloads, too.

Oh, how I love these Hitler diatribe videos

February 15, 2010 by  
Filed under Patrick's Blog

(courtesy of Mark Shea)

"Will You Sing Me A Lullaby Before I Go?"

February 11, 2010 by  
Filed under Patrick's Blog

Dear Mom and Dad, I want you to know

My young heart is beating, my eyes fill with tears,
I pray that your love will conquer your fears.
God knit me here, you are my lifeline,
Will you sing to me, sweet Mother of Mine?

If you do not want me, please give me away,
There are loving arms waiting that want me to stay.
You will think of me each day of your life,
And the doctor who tore me from you with his knife.
Why would you want us to suffer this pain?

If I’m lost forever, what would you gain?
My Daddy, Listen, can you hear my screams?
Help Me! I cry for you in my dreams.
A farewell lullabye, please sing to me, Dad,
The pain is so great and I am so sad.
My heart aches to see, to feel and to touch
The Mom and Dad who I love so much.
Will I never run, or sing, or play,
Or hear the kind things that mothers say?

I would love to see Grandmom and play with toys,
And hug my Daddy like most girls and boys.
To money and things my parents are drawn,
But when their arms long to hold me, I will be gone.
The tears of the Angels flood Heaven today
As I join fifty million souls who perished this way.
We are crying our hearts out and trembling with fears,
But ours screams for mercy fall on deaf ears.
Does anyone out there have compassion for me?

When you were sown in her womb, your mom let you be.
I am being tortured in this home that I know,
Will you sing me a lullabye before I go?

A stranger prays and sings on the street
For all the children they never will meet.
Someday in Heaven, I’ll find you to say;
Thank you for praying and singing that day.
As I lay there dying, I saw you weep,
With a sweet lullabye you sang me to sleep.
The Angels will carry me home when I cry
With millions of infants who pray in the sky
For the souls of the parents they yearned to kiss
And never will know the babies they’ll miss.
My Savior awaits my arrival today,
“Vengeance is Mine,” I heard the Lord say.
Your soul, Mom and Dad, you have defiled.
Oh Beg for God’s mercy for killing your child!
The Angels sing lullabyes at Heaven’s door
And play with the Babies, our tears shed no more.

Catherine Walsh

The Plot to Kidnap Pope Pius XII

February 11, 2010 by  
Filed under Patrick's Blog

By Ronald J. Rychlak

In July 1943, Italian partisans toppled Fascist leader Benito Mussolini and threatened the German-Italian alliance. Hitler, on learning of Mussolini’s ouster, concluded that “Jew-loving” Pope Pius XII was involved. The Führer wasted no time in sending his troops into northern Italy and occupying an allied nation, including its capital, Rome.

Israel Zolli, the chief Rabbi of Rome (later a convert to Catholicism) wrote about the terror felt by his community as the Nazis took control of the city. Zolli personally snuck past German patrols to enter neutral Vatican City and request a loan to pay a ransom so that the Nazis would not deport his people. The pope agreed to provide as much gold as was needed for as long as was necessary. The Jews gave their gold to the Nazis, but it did not prevent the deportations. Roman Jews went into hiding or they were deported.

As the persecution of the Jews intensified, Pius was widely recognized as a “lonely voice” out of the silence enveloping the continent. Victims thanked him, rescuers cited him as their inspiration, and the Nazis despised him. In retrospect, however, many modern critics blame Pius for being too quiet during the occupation. . . . (continue reading)

2001: A Space Odyssey Comedy

February 10, 2010 by  
Filed under Patrick's Blog

Meditations on the Stations of the Cross for Your Lenten Journey

February 10, 2010 by  
Filed under Patrick's Blog

This just out from Belmont Abbey College:

CLICK HERE to receive a copy of our inspiring booklet, Meditations on the Stations of the Cross,* plus a special companion CD recording of the meditations and accompanying prayers recorded by the author and Belmont Abbey College students.

Just sample the powerful words and images that await you. Both versions of our Meditations on the Stations of the Cross will enrich your Lent by helping you deepen your relationship with Love Himself, Jesus Christ.

But that’s not all you can get by acting right now. We have two additional offers for you:

  • Use your discount coupon code “MADRID” (in all caps) to save $9 – you’ll get this booklet for just $1 (plus $4.95 shipping and handling)
  • You also receive at no additional cost the companion audio CD of these meditations, read by the author with prayer responses by the inspiring voices of Belmont Abbey College students!

This stirring full-color booklet brings the beauty of our 130-year-old Benedictine campus into your home. The audio CD lets you take the serenity of our Basilica into the grind of daily traffic to make this year’s Lent a prayerful and fruitful time for you.

For just $1 when you use your discount coupon code “MADRID” (in all caps), both versions of the Meditations bring the Passion home to your heart this Lent as Dr. Thomas’ ardent love of Christ sets your life ablaze.

Now a theology professor a
t Belmont Abbey College, Dr. Thomas received his doctorate from England’s University of Cambridge. An arduous search, which included 18 years of Protestant ministry, led him to the Catholic faith. (
More about Dr. Ron Thomas)

You might even want to order bulk copies at special prices, sharing them with your family, parish, and Bible study group. They’ll love the stunning photos of the Stations from Basilica Mary Help of Christians at Belmont Abbey.

But most important, you’ll save $9 right now and receive the audio CD and the stunning full-color companion booklet for just $1 (plus $4.95 shipping and handling) when you order today! Please be sure to use the MADRID discount code.

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