A winter's day meditation: Tempus fugit. Memento mori.

December 28, 2010 by  
Filed under Patrick's Blog

“Come now, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and get gain’;whereas you do not know about tomorrow. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. Instead you ought to say, ‘If the Lord wills, we shall live and we shall do this or that’” (James 4:13-15).

Inconvenience Store

December 28, 2010 by  
Filed under Patrick's Blog

Makes me wonder how far away their bathroom is located.

Madrid Family Holiday Traditions

December 24, 2010 by  
Filed under Patrick's Blog

Over the years, we’ve treasured several fun and nostalgic Christmas traditions here at Rancho Madrid. One of my favorites, for example, is the enjoyable holiday game we love to play called “Pin the Cleanup on the Guest.”

Good times.

Take a virtual tour of St. John Lateran Basilica in Rome

December 23, 2010 by  
Filed under Patrick's Blog

Like the virtual tour of the Sistine Chapel that I posted on this blog a few days ago, here’s another one that lets you explore the the exquisite Cathedral church of the Archdiocese of Rome. And for the historical background on this venerable house of God, here’s a portion of the article about it taken from the Catholic Encyclopedia:

This is the oldest, and ranks first among the four great “patriarchal” basilicas of Rome. The site was, in ancient times, occupied by the palace of the family of the Laterani. A member of this family, P. Sextius Lateranus, was the first plebian to attain the rank of consul. In the time of Nero, another member of the family, Plautius Lateranus, at the time consul designatus was accused of conspiracy against the emperor, and his goods were confiscated. 

Juvenal mentions the palace, and speaks of it as being of some magnificence, “regiæ ædes Lateranorum”. Some few remains of the original buildings may still be traced in the city walls outside the Gate of St. John, and a large hall decorated with paintings was uncovered in the eighteenth century within the basilica itself, behind the Lancellotti Chapel. A few traces of older buildings also came to light during the excavations made in 1880, when the work of extending the apse was in progress, but nothing was then discovered of real value or importance. 

The palace came eventually into the hands of Constantine, the first Christian emperor, through his wife Fausta, and it is from her that it derived the name by which it was then sometimes called, “Domus Faustæ”. Constantine must have given it to the Church in the time of Miltiades, not later than about 311, for we find a council against the Donatists meeting within its walls as early as 313. From that time onwards it was always the centre of Christian life within the city; the residence of the popes and the cathedral of Rome. The latter distinction it still holds, though it has long lost the former. Hence the proud title which may be read upon its walls, that it is “Omnium urbis et orbis ecclesiarum mater, et caput”.

It seems probable, in spite of the tradition that Constantine helped in the work of building with his own hands, that there was not a new basilica erected at the Lateran, but that the work carried out at this period was limited to the adaptation, which perhaps involved the enlargement, of the already existing basilica or great hall of the palace. The words of St. Jerome “basilica quondam Laterani” (Ep. lxxiii, P.L., XXII, col. 692) seem to point in this direction, and it is also probable on other grounds. 

This original church was probably not of very large dimensions, but we have no reliable information on the subject. It was dedicated to the Saviour, “Basilica Salvatoris”, the dedication to St. John being of later date, and due to a Benedictine monastery of St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist which adjoined the basilica and where members were charged at one period with the duty of maintaining the services in the church. This later dedication to St. John has now in popular usage altogether superseded the original one. A great many donations from the popes and other benefactors to the basilica are recorded in the “Liber Pontificalis”, and its splendour at an early period was such that it became known as the “Basilica Aurea”, or Golden Church. This splendour drew upon it the attack of the Vandals, who stripped it of all its treasures. 

St. Leo the Great restored it about 460, and it was again restored by Hadrian I, but in 896 it was almost totally destroyed by an earthquake (“ab altari usque ad portas cecidit”). The damage was so extensive that it was difficult to trace in every case the lines of the old building, but these were in the main respected and the new building was of the same dimensions as the old. This second church lasted for four hundred years and was then burnt down. It was rebuilt by Clement V and John XXII, only to be burnt down once more in 1360, but again rebuilt by Urban V. 

Through these various vicissitudes the basilica retained its ancient form, being divided by rows of columns into aisles, and having in front an atrium surrounded by colonnades with a fountain in the middle. The façade had three windows, and was embellished with a mosaic representing Christ as the Saviour of the world. The porticoes of the atrium were decorated with frescoes, probably not dating further back than the twelfth century, which commemorated the Roman fleet under Vespasian, the taking of Jerusalem, the Baptism of the Emperor Constantine and his “Donation” to the Church. 

Inside the basilica the columns no doubt ran, as in all other basilicas of the same date, the whole length of the church from east to west, but at one of the rebuildings, probably that which was carried out by Clement V, the feature of a transverse nave was introduced, imitated no doubt from the one which had been, long before this, added at S. Paolo fuori le Mura. It was probably at this time also that the church was enlarged. When the popes returned to Rome from their long absence at Avignon they found the city deserted and the churches almost in ruins. Great works were begun at the Lateran by Martin V and his successors. The palace, however, was never again used by them as a residence, the Vatican, which stands in a much drier and healthier position, being chosen in its place. It was not until the latter part of the seventeenth century that the church took its present appearance, in the tasteless restoration carried out by Innocent X, with Borromini for his architect. The ancient columns were now enclosed in huge pilasters, with gigantic statues in front. In consequence of this the church has entirely lost the appearance of an ancient basilica, and is completely altered in character. . . . (continue reading)

Christmas decorations taken too far. Would you be embarrassed if this were your next-door neighbor?

December 22, 2010 by  
Filed under Patrick's Blog

Here are 25 houses I wouldn’t want to live next to. I wouldn’t want them in my neighborhood. I wouldn’t want them in my state. They are kind of funny, but I prefer to enjoy this kind of humor from a distance  — like from over the Internet. 


December 22, 2010 by  
Filed under Patrick's Blog

A Social Network Christmas

December 20, 2010 by  
Filed under Patrick's Blog

Here is an ingenious and touching video depicting how the Good News of the Incarnation and birth of Christ the Lord might have been shared on Facebook, had it happened today. Share this on Facebook!

Take a virtual tour of the Sistine Chapel

December 19, 2010 by  
Filed under Patrick's Blog

This is very nice!  The level of detail is superb, making it almost as if you were there, inside the room itself where conclaves are held and popes are elected. Check it out.

The most unusual review of one of my books I’ve ever seen

December 14, 2010 by  
Filed under Patrick's Blog

Lost in Translation:

A remarkable book review of my book, The Godless Delusion: A Catholic Challenge to Modern Atheism (co-authored with Ken Hensley), popped up this morning on my Google Blog Search app.

I think I get the gist of what the reviewer is saying, though I cannot be entirely sure. The review is in English, sort of, though it reads as if it were washed and rinsed through an online translator program. Maybe it was first written in Slovak or Hindi and then translated into Finnish and then translated into English. I can’t tell. But I am pretty sure it’s an all around positive review, for which I am grateful in any language.

The review is of “Delirium Without God,” which I find to be an amusing and entirely apt rendering of what the book’s title, “The Godless Delusion,” connotes.

Among the many unique and remarkable phrases contained in this review, I have learned some new verbs, such as the picturesque “booty up,”  adjectives such as “abaft,” and nouns such as a “blazon of altercation.” I quite like that last one. And there is also this complimentary description of me, which I find interesting:

I acquisition this is one of Patrick Madrid’s abundant assets. He has become one of my admired apologists for the the Catholic faith. He does not appear out all pumped up, attractive for a fight. He starts with simple honest questions and lets logic, understanding, and animal acquaintance backpack the altercation forward. 

I must confess that it honestly has never occurred to me to implement that old art-of-war tactic of engaging in “animal acquaintance” in order to backpack an altercation forward.  I’m all about backpacking altercations forward, of course, but I just don’t think that animal acquaintance should have any role to play in that regard. But then, that’s just me.

My thanks to the reviewer for taking the time to booty up the agitation.



December 9, 2010 by  
Filed under Patrick's Blog, Welcome

Hello and welcome! I hope you enjoy your visit here. Among other things, I’m an author of books on Catholic themes, the director of the Envoy Institute, and host of the “Open Line” radio show. I hope you’ll stay awhile and explore. Thanks again for visiting. God bless you.    — Patrick

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