The Statue of Liability: A modern metaphor

April 20, 2011 by  
Filed under Patrick's Blog

Given the lengthy series of unfortunate events that have occurred in the United States over the past 10 years, in particular those of the last 2 years, I see a political metaphor in this video. Most likely unintended. But it’s there. Can you see it?

Visualize World Peas

April 20, 2011 by  
Filed under Patrick's Blog

All we are saying is give peas a chance.

New documentary about the 2011 Japan quake & tsunami

April 19, 2011 by  
Filed under Patrick's Blog

Let’s not forget to pray for Japan.

Yes, it is true that life goes on, but lest we forget too quickly about the catastrophe in Japan last month and the 25,000 or more men, women, and children who lost their lives in the tsunami, I am posting a newly released documentary of what happened that is essentially a chilling montage of video footage for the hardest hit areas.

The thing that really made an impression on me is that because Japan is quite hilly and mountainous, there were high places the people could go to escape the towering wall of water that slammed relentlessly inland for miles (assuming that they left soon enough and got there fast enough — as we know, many did not). But try to imagine what would happen in a low-lying coastal area, such as, say, Florida, whose average elevation above sea level is just 100 feet. With no high ground available (no significantly high hills, much less mountains), where could people flee to escape an incoming tsunami? And what if, in such a nightmare scenario, an earthquake-triggered tsunami came rolling in from the Atlantic that was significantly higher than the one which recently hit Japan? Is it possible that the entire State of Florida could be completely inundated in a matter of minutes?

The origin of CTRL-ALT-DELETE

April 17, 2011 by  
Filed under Patrick's Blog

“You may not have ever thought about it, but the far-too-often-used keyboard combination of Control + Alt + Delete had to have been brought into existence by some random coder at some point in technological history. But wait, it wasn’t just a random coder. The keystroke combo is attributed to [David Bradley]. He was one of the original designers of the IBM Personal Computer. You can even hear his own recount of the story in the video after the break”. . . (continue reading)

Don’t be discouraged. Hold your head up high. This is a great time to be Catholic.

April 14, 2011 by  
Filed under Patrick's Blog

You’ve heard the famous saying: “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” If ever there were a time when this truth was plainly evident, I believe it is right now.

Let’s take stock of the situation we’re in. Planet earth and its inhabitants are going through some pretty rough times. Our problems range from famine, religious persecutions, war, rampant illegal drug use, broken families, the murder of millions of unborn children each year, strife, pornography, drunkenness, cloning, racial hatred, terrorism, godlessness, blasphemies, earthquakes, tsunamis, and other weather-related catastrophes, widespread sexual immorality, despair, suicide, a spirit of revenge, and the looming threat of nuclear annihilation (did I miss anything?). And amidst all this social upheaval, we see the rise of popular, charismatic politicians who charm the masses with bland, sugar-coated platitudes even as they ardently promote abortion, euthanasia, cloning, and other wickedness. Our world is spinning ever more out of control into the abyss of sin and alienation from the God Who loves us. That’s the bad news.

The Good News is that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came to redeem and save us. He established the Catholic Church as the visible means of grace and healing for those who will accept His grace. The really interesting part is that you have been called by Christ to bring the Good News of His grace and forgiveness to a seriously hurting world. Are you up for it? . . . (continue reading)

How the March 2011 Japan tsunami happened

April 13, 2011 by  
Filed under Patrick's Blog

Here we have a fascinating scientific breakdown of exactly what factors were in play to cause both the 9.0 earthquake off Japan’s north-east coast and the ensuing tsunami that killed upwards of 25,000 people. As ever, I am grateful to science and scientists for the fact that we can know exactly what the geophysical causes were behind such a disaster. Some new footage I haven’t seen before is part of this presentation.

Also, please be sure to watch this amazing video footage of the tsunami taken from the vantage point of those standing on a hill looking down on a town that was entirely engulfed by the waves. Truly, terribly mind-blowing.

Terrifying NEW Japan Tsunami video shows how quickly people were swallowed up by the wave

April 12, 2011 by  
Filed under Patrick's Blog

This is by far the most chilling, the most horrifying video I have yet seen of the devastation wreaked in Japan by the March 11th tsunami. I can only imagine the anguish endured by the people standing on the hill watching this catastrophe unfold before their eyes. You can hear it in their voices as their exclamations go from astonishment (when they see the wave first impacting the town far away) to disbelief, to abject horror. This video is simply staggering.

Map of the world by population

April 11, 2011 by  
Filed under Patrick's Blog

I find this map very interesting and quite telling. Notice, for example, how disproportionately small Russia is compared to China and India and, for that matter, the United States. Compare Australia with Sri Lanka (both with 20 million inhabitants), Nigeria with France and Germany (Nigeria is equal to both of them combined), and Pakistan with Spain, France, and Germany (Muslim Pakistan is equal to all three of those “Christian” countries combined). As first-world players go, Canada is utterly negligible, as are Sweden, Norway, and Finland. Lowly Bangladesh dwarfs all of South America, with the exception of Brazil. Compare Muslim Indonesia with “Christian” Europe. What conclusions do you draw?

(Click the text link at the top of the post to enlarge map)


College Students and Abortion. Watch This Video. Please.

April 10, 2011 by  
Filed under Patrick's Blog

Slowly but surely, brick by brick, student by student, the ProLife Movement in general and StudentsForLife in particular, are gradually reclaiming the hearts and minds of college students around the country with the honest truth. This remarkable video explains how this change is taking place, and who is helping propel it forward. “And it’s growing, day by day.” Share this one, far and wide.

What might happen if a large asteroid were to hit the earth?

April 10, 2011 by  
Filed under Patrick's Blog

Scientists have for years now been fretting about what could happen if a large enough asteroid hit the earth. Depending on the size of the object, they estimate that the resulting devastation would range from catastrophic to Lights Out. Game Over. Adios (literally). Here’s a dramatic computer simulation of what might happen if the object were, say, the size of Japan.

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