Garage Bands

February 22, 2016 by  
Filed under Patrick's Blog


Fictitious Garage Band Names from the “Patrick Madrid Show”


The Kentucky Clerks

5 Dudes and a Chicken

Trump Tats

Mysterious Dentists

Cerebral Organoids


The Gender Binary

Artificial Vomiting Machine

Baby Hurricanes

People Zoo

Full Blown Trolls

Paramedic Brides

Young Thieves

The Squatters

Battle of the Buns

Sausage Biscuit Rage Incident

The Meat Bees

The Swedish Toddlers

Tony Caterpillar

Captive Chimps

Sandwiches of Shame

Monkey Selfies

Mackerel Snappers

The Metallic Cage Fighters

Monkey Head Transplants

Peak Insanity

Dissing Dogs

Puppets of the Patriarchy

Mouse Jack

Robot Decoys

The Smartphones

Digital Playpen

Bobo Doll Experiment

Slave Bees

Bad Analogies

Soft Robots

Blame the Robot (album cover)

Mexican Maids

Workshop Proctors

Nacho Thief (Nacho Thieves)

Robotic Babysitters


Planetary Indulgence

Little Livers

Zero Lizard

Lady Bots

Robot Kingdom

Happy Trigger

Identity Package

Automation Failure

Spiritual Mummies

Ultra Cool Dwarfs

Tiny Planets

Ethical Permission Slip (Album Cover)

Gendered Salutations

Exploding Microbes

Ripped Wrappers

The Magistrates

Homeschooling Queen

Dirty Diesel

Treasure Train

Amish Haircut Attacks

Surveillance Cats

Acoustic Kitties

Disease Burden

Respiratory Droplets

Tweet Threat

Animal Police

Disposable Drones

Dancing Drones

Concussion Protocol

Daddy’s Rogaine 

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11 Responses to “Garage Bands”
  1. John E. Quest says:

    Hey Patrick, I really like the bass opening lead in the beginning of Simple Man. The picture of the four of you, looks just like I remember of my oldest brother, who was a lead guitarist in southern California at that time. He was born in 1956; I was in 1961. Great memories from that time, but also very glad my parents moved my sister and I to Missouri in 1977.

  2. John Dudkiewicz says:

    Our long ago (1970’s) band was called “Mysterioso” after the tempo marking for “The Pink Panther” Theme.

  3. Tracy Hernandez says:

    Hi Patrick!

    These 2 might be a little bit too simple but I think you need Spam Box and Junk Mail on your list.

    Glad Advent Tidings,
    Wait! Is that ANOTHER garage band name?

  4. Paul Scaglione says:

    Garage band name:

    The Ed McMen

  5. Fr. Greg Michaud says:

    An idea for a band name…Purgatory’s Angels. Their first album would be entitled, “Not Bad Enough For Hell, Not Good Enough for Heaven…Yet!

    Love your program and all on RR, Patrick. God bless and Mary keep you!

  6. Al Tostado says:

    My Garage Band Names:

    Who Dah Thunk

    Poor Blind and Naked

    Sons of Thunder

    Wicked Council

    The Accursed

    Outer Darkness

    Cloud of Witnesses

  7. Q Patch says:

    Band it:
    “Irreducible Perplexity.”

  8. Johnny S. says:

    Here’s a good garage band name: ssdeep fuzzy hash (Comes from the computer security world.)

  9. Laura Chavarria says:

    Hi Patrick I’ve been bottom these down for some time I noticed you missed some on your list 🙂

    Animal Police
    Animal Cops
    Disposable Drones
    Concussion Protocol
    Amish Haircut Attacks
    Surveillance Cats
    Acoustic Kitties
    Disease Burden
    Respiratory Droplets
    Tweet Threat
    Five Dudes and a Chicken
    Treasure Train
    Amish Haircut Attacks
    Kentucky Clerks
    The Magistrates
    Homeschooling Queen
    Dirty Diesels
    Mouse Jack
    Full Blown Trolls
    Ripped Wrappers
    Killer Robots
    Monkey Selfie’s
    Gendered Salutations
    Exploding Microbes
    Soft Robots
    Care Droid
    Obesity Epidemic
    Happy Trigger
    Tiny Planets
    The Ultra Cool Dwar

    • Patrick Madrid says:

      Thanks, Laura. I got them up there now! Thanks for listening to the show.

      • Francis says:

        Hello Patrick I listen to you each and every morning on my daily drive to work. I appreciate what you do. There was a garage band name you mentioned this morning. It sounded like Audubon? I couldn’t find it in Wiki thank you. You can add it here or my ema

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